Friday, December 9, 2011

2011 Cheers

Our team celebrated the holidays together with our families at Tribeca Tavern this year! 
Thanks to our patients, team, and families for another wonderful year! Happy Holidays to all!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Adopt-a-Highway: Davis Drive

Every few months, we take an afternoon off from caring for our patients to caring for our community.  
In trying to enter this contest to win $250, we found no unusual litter yesterday in cleaning up Davis Drive as part of our commitment to Adopt-a-Highway. Oh well! Last year's winner found a diamond ring! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer Teeth Whitening Winners!

Thanks to all who enter our Summer Teeth Whitening Giveaway and congrats to our three winners!
July: Liz K
August: Dee M
September: Lindsay B

We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and don't forget to mention this promotion and receive $100 off of in-office whitening or $50 off of take home whitening!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Teeth Whitening Giveaway

Find out what our cosmetic teeth whitening patients have been smiling about...  Remove years of discoloration and stains on your teeth with cosmetic teeth whitening! Morrisville Family Dentistry offers both in-office and take-home bleaching techniques to help you achieve a brighter, more confident smile!
All summer long, we will randomly select a name on the 15th of each month to give away the winner's choice of in-office whitening ($400 value) or take-home whitening ($200 value)!

And just for entering, you will receive a discount for teeth whitening: $100 off of in-office whitening or $50 off of take home whitening !

Enter now for a chance to win:
To learn more, here are some frequently asked questions about cosmetic teeth whitening: 
What causes my teeth to darken?
Teeth naturally darken over time from age, food, drinking coffee, tea or wine or from smoking.

How is teeth whitening offered by Morrisville Family Dentistry different from a at-home drugstore kit?

Studies have shown that drug store whitening kits do not have the strength of professional grade whitening that a dental professional can provide.  Furthermore, the drug store whitening kit may not properly fit which may lead to gum and tissue irritation. Under our care, you will achieve a brighter and better smile faster!

What is the difference between in-office and take-home whitening? 
Morrisville Family Dentistry offers both in-office and take-home bleaching techniques.   Our team meets with each individual to discuss and recommend a whitening technique based on an initial evaluation. With in-office whitening, our team will professionally whiten your teeth in less than an hour while you enjoy a movie!   For take-home whitening, each individual is fitted for custom trays which are worn with whitening gel daily for up to 1 hour for 2 weeks.  This technique is recommended for sensitive teeth. 

Please contact us with any other questions or concerns: 919-469-3669!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Are you prepared for an emergency?

Dr. Chen attended a "Prevention and Management of Medical Emergencies" course last Saturday. Excellent speakers and material pertaining to a dental setting. It's recommended everyone know what to do in an event of an emergency. Follow the link to learn about training from the Red Cross!

Monday, March 7, 2011

UNC Wins! Total number of points = 148

Jennifer G is the winner!  She picked UNC to win and guessed 144 total points.   Congrats Jennifer and we hope you enjoy your $25 gift card to Amazon!

Thanks to all the participated in our UNC v Duke Contest!  Stay tuned for another contest soon!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

UNC v Duke Contest to Win a $25 Amazon Giftcard

It's anyone's guess who is going to win one of the biggest college basketball rivalries ever. Who do you think will win?  And what will be the total number of points scored between the two teams?
Enter your guess today!  Deadline is tipoff on Sat March 5.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Flossing and blogging

Two of the many New Year's resolutions for MFD:
1) Encourage ALL our patients to floss EVERYDAY!
Dr. Chen's personal tip: keep floss by your coffee table and use it while watching TV!  Before you know it, flossing will become a everyday habit instead of a forgotten to-do! 

2) Get blogging!  We're excited to start this blog to connect with our patient family throughout the year!  Follow us here on this blog or on our Facebook page.  We'll be sharing updates, promotions, contests and events!  And we want to hear from our patients -- your tips, your questions, and your photos of your brillant smiles!