Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kids and Candy...

If your child's Valentine's day loot looked something like Halloween, here are Dr. Josiah Chen's tips to prevent tooth decay: 
1) Give kids a time limit to eat the candy quickly.  Sucking on candy, such as lollipops and hard candies,  extends exposure to sugar.  Set a timer or keep your eye on the clock!   
2) Brush afterwards.   Remember to brush as least twice a day and use songs like "Brush, brush, brush your teeth" (tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat") or set a timer (pick one up at your next check up with us!)  
3) After a few days, get rid of any leftover candy! Your child has already eaten their favorite candy -- don't save the rest!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Use your flexible spending account early!

Great article ran in Sunday's N&O. #1 Tip: Flex spending accts are front loaded with FULL amounts starting Jan 1 that can be spent for eligible expenses. Tap it early!

According to the IRS (
Dental Treatment that is included:  cleanings, sealants, fluoride treatments, X-rays, fillings, braces, extractions, dentures and other dental services (call us at 919-469-3669 for more details).